Anytime in the last 3 weeks if you happened to turn on the television, flip through a newspaper, or go to any sort of mainstream news website you would find without a doubt the words "Occupy Wall Street". Even though the media has been doing day to day coverage on Occupy Wall Street many are not informed on how important Occupy Wall Street is to our Government and why it is is important that we keep this movement alive.
Occupy Wall Street has been going on since September 17th and has managed from week to week to gain in followers or supporters of their cause. At first Occupy Wall Street may have seemed like any ordinary protest about big business versus the rest of the nation, but as it continues to gain more support and spreads throughout the nation, the protest only becomes stronger. It is imperative that Occupy Wall Street continue to grow, especially, since the protest has already shown to be stronger than anyone anticipated. This can be seen through numerous other demonstrations of "Occupy" going on throughout the nation as well as support from several Democrat and Republican politicians. Several different unions have decided to back the Occupy Wall Street protests as well, which gives validity to these protests and show the protests have the ability to make a definite change in our Government.
Occupy Wall Street is going to change our nation for the better if the protests keep up the way that they are. Not only will the protests help make a change in better equality of money distribution and help the U.S.'s national debt, but, it is also making our nation, the 99%, more unified than it has been, possibly ever. This sudden unity of people from all over the nation shows the possible first steps to change in America in ways that will significantly change our nation for the better. This unity shows that maybe direct democracy in America could stand a chance, which would change the way our nation is run in a huge way.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Free Trade: Is it good for America?
In the article Congress finally gets it: Free Trade is good for America, which was found at The Christian Science Monitor, it talks about the recent free trade agreement that the US is signing with Columbia, Panama, and South Korea. The article goes into some detail about how this free trade agreement is going to help our nation on several different levels. The author of this editorial is targeting an audience that is generally concerned about US government that is around 20 years of age or older. While the article is intended for an audience that is more knowledgeable of Government the author does a good job of summing up what this agreement will mean for the US. The author's knowledge of the US's current economic status and the use of data provided helps the readers trust the validity of the author's arguments. I agree with the author's overall idea that the agreement that President Obama is agreeing to is going to be good for the nation. Some of the positive outcomes of this agreement that the author mentions are the fact that the agreement is expected to "help the American economy grow by 2.5 billion", more and better "employment opportunities" and "boost sales and exports." This agreement is going to help our economy grow and at the same time we are going to be uniting with 3 other countries that will be able to assist in our economic revival. It is not to say that this agreement is 100% fool proof but the authors many reasons for why this free trade agreement is going to be good for America makes the authors argument much more valid.
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