Friday, September 30, 2011

Everyone Should be Required to Have Insurance?

USA Today Editorial

In the Editorial from USA today titled "Everyone Should be Required to Have Insurance" argues the fact that the GOP needs to start embracing the idea that everyone that can afford to have healthcare, should have healthcare. I completely agree with the authors argument that everyone needs to start getting health care. The author is trying to reach out to the general public that may not be as aware of the proceedings of the GOP debates. I feel that the author makes a valid argument in this editorial. The author gives example of how all of the candidates have dodged the topic of health care time and time again. They also go into detail on how the few responses the candidates have given have been hypocritical of what they have previously backed. The authors main argument is that the GOP needs to be backing the recent mandate which would make anyone that is able to afford health care have to purchase it. The author provides plenty of evidence to support the idea that the GOP needs to start touching on health care. The author makes another valid point on why people should be accepting the mandate when they mention the process of how hospitals charge others more money in order to cover the cost of people that can't afford to pay at all when they go to a hospital. I completely agree with the author that the candidates need to start backing this issue. It's hard not to be swayed with there is such blatant evidence that our system of "health care" we currently have is not helping. The author mentions how Ron Paul unsuccessfully was able to help out his campaign mangers financial woes after his death in 2008 even though, he claimed that people pulling their funds together would solve the problem of having immense medical bills. This along with other examples of how the system we have is not working and that our health care system needs to change. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Faltering Before a Nation

     I found this particular article while perusing the ABC News website: "Former Advisor: Bachman Blew Debate Momentum with Vaccine 'Mistake'." Bachman's political trail has been somewhat scattered with blunders and it is my job as a concerned citizen to read further. The article talks about a few of  Michele Bachman's bumps along the way in her presidential race for the republican nomination.
     The article goes on to talk about how Rick Perry and Michele Bachman went head to head in a debate that gained Bachman praise when the topic of Perry's recent plan to make all young girls get the HPV vaccine came up. Bachman criticized his idea and even went on to talk about the real reasons as to why Perry is suddenly wanting to implement this plan. The article then goes into detail about how Bachman dived headfirst into her own presidential campaign demise. Over Labor Day weekend one of Bachman's campaign runners left her campaign and then publicly ridiculed her campaign methods. From that point forward Bachman has started to spiral out of control. From such remarks stating that the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation to making fun of the hurricane that devastated the Eastern coast. The article goes into more detail on why her campaign could be in serious trouble.
     Not only is this article a bit of a spectacle on how uncensored Bachman is but it also shows the instability of her campaign and the possible flaws that could lead to her demise. The mere fact that people from her own campaign are abandoning her doesn't bode well. Mix her crass remarks into the melting pot of all of the other politicians more subtle techniques of putting their ideas out there and it could lead to her losing the nomination.

Click on this link for the entire riveting article